What Causes Malocclusion in Kids and Adults?

Malocclusion is caused when a person’s teeth are misaligned. Malocclusion can be caused because of birth defects. Also, defects in the jaw can also cause malocclusion. Children who use pacifiers beyond the age of three years are also prone to malocclusion. Also, you use the bottle over prolonged periods of time are also prone to malocclusion. An orthodontist in San Antonio TX , is the right man for the job if you are looking to get dental misalignments treated. What Causes Malocclusion? One of the most causes of malocclusion is: a discrepancy in the size and/or shape of your jaw. There are a couple of possibilities. Either there can be too much space between teeth or there can be too little space between teeth. A condition wherein there is too much gap between your teeth is called Diastema. A condition wherein there is too little gap between your teeth is called overcrowding. Children who suck their thumb constantly also run the risk of developing dental misalignm...